Teaching your children money basics is as important as helping them develop reading, writing and math skills. Financial literacy is an essential life skill. Kids don’t automatically pick up good money habits—we have to teach them, and it’s never too early to start.
Watch our Make it Count! video series on youth money management.
If you’ve tried to teach your kids about the value of a dollar and felt like you were over your head, don’t worry. You aren’t alone. In fact, we have heard from many New Brunswickers that they don’t know where to start when they try to talk to their kids about money.
Talking about money doesn’t have to be intimidating or complicated. Teaching children about money can easily be integrated into daily family activities. In fact, teachable moments are a parent’s best friend. Shopping, planning a trip or going to the bank are opportunities to introduce financial concepts, to explain the difference between needs and wants, and to talk about saving, spending, and budgeting decisions. A simple question or comment about something they see every day can open the door to a much bigger conversation.
And remember to always lead by example. Kids are very observant and pick up cues from your behavior! To make sure you are financially fit, check out I’m Worth It! This program provides excellent information and strategies you can use when planning for your financial future and encourages you to spend based on your values, or what is most important in your life.
Here are some tips and ideas for how to introduce your children to financial literacy now so they grow up to be financially confident teens and adults.
Help your children make smart spending decisions by teaching them how to set financial goals. The next time your child asks for something new, whether it’s an iPad, the latest toy, brand name clothing, or sports equipment, turn it into a teachable moment by encouraging them to set a goal and save their money to buy the item, or pay for a portion of it themselves.
Make it Count – A parent’s guide to youth money management
Use the goal setting template on page 63 of Make it Count to create a savings plan to achieve their goal and keep track of their progress. But remember, all work and no play makes budgeting a dull chore! If they don’t get to enjoy the money they worked hard for, they won’t stick to any savings plan. Reward them for sticking to their plan and show them that being smart with their money doesn’t have to mean going without any fun! Download the Goal Setting Activity
Your children may start receiving or earning money from a young age through allowances, gifts, and odd jobs like babysitting. As soon as your children start receiving money, help them keep track of it by teaching them how to use a budget. Download the Budgeting Activity
Help your child track their earnings and spending. Use the monthly budget sheet on page 65 of Make it Count. At the end of the month, look at their budget together and talk about what they enjoyed or regretted spending their money on and why. Tracking spending can be an eye-opening experience. Seeing where their money has gone can help them spend more mindfully in the future.
Once they have gotten used to tracking their spending, take it to the next level by having them set aside money for savings and making a plan for how they would like to spend their money next month.
Also, taking your child with you to the grocery store can be a great opportunity to talk about avoiding impulse purchases and sticking to a budget. Shop with a list and show them how you stick to purchasing just the items on your list. When they reach for the colorful box of candy next to the checkout, talk about the importance of using the list so you don’t spend more money than you have.
Children are less and less likely to interact with physical cash, and transactions made with plastic (debit or credit cards) make it harder to feel the “pain” of parting with money. For older children, a prepaid debit or credit card can be a lower-risk way of introducing them to making purchases by swiping a card. It can help reinforce that a debit or credit card is not a magic bottomless supply of money.
5 things your child should know about credit:
Being responsible with our money is important, but it’s also important to do enjoyable things with it so that we don’t feel like saving is a chore. That being said, overspending on entertainment is easy to do. A night at the movies for a family of four can easily add up to $80 or more! Show your children they can have fun and be smart with their money at the same time! Download the Recreational Spending Activity
Tuition, books, housing, groceries, bills…paying for post-secondary education and avoiding a heavy debt load is a big challenge– but not impossible. You can find lots of ways to save and manage your money while you’re studying. There are several ways to set money aside to help take away some of your stress. Here are a few tips you can use to save money:
Remember, it’s never too early to help your children start forming good financial habits! Hopefully these tips and ideas give you some ideas for how you can start talking about money with your children. Tomorrow’s smart spenders are today’s kids! Let’s all make sure they have the tools they need.
Article written by FCNB.
April 14 is Talk With Our Kids About Money Day!